Peri Pearl Paints - Peri Anderson
Buttered Soapery - Anthony & Jennifer
Fern Street Pottery - Meredith Rosenfeld Chernick
Knotting by Nature - Sydney Salazar
Philomena Fabric Designs - Trish Moylan Davis
Beaded Beauties by Ria - Carilla Sims
Mixed Media Artist - Betsy Schairer
Authors D.D. Black & Eva Blue
The Diverted Agrarian - Alaina Seyssel
Northwest Sparks - Kim Sparks
Scouts of America - John Strand
ReWild Farm Refuge Sanctuary - Kristen Tyler
Olive Rae Boutique - Jaymee Sotomayer
Taylor'd Creations - Stacy Taylor
5-6 pm Lynne & Kristen Ferguson
6-7 pm Tropical Sensation